ethical and legal issues in nursing

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Important MCQs

In the challenging realm of military nursing, ethical and legal issues play a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare. Prospective candidates appearing for initial tests for medical positions in the Army, Navy, and Pakistan Air Force must be well-versed in these principles to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-1)

______________ is an ethical principle that requires health care professionals to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patient information. (Confidentiality)

______________ is a legal term that refers to the unauthorized disclosure of confidential patient information. (Breach of Confidentiality)

______________ is a federal law that protects patient privacy and confidentiality of health information. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA))

____________ is a legal document that allows individuals to determine who has access to their health information and under what circumstances. (Authorization form)

______________ is a principle of health and ethics that requires health professionals to respect the privacy of patients and the confidentiality of their information. (Privacy and Confidentiality)

__________ is communication. a technique that requires a patient’s permission before disclosing their health information to others. (Consent)

________ is a method that protects patient confidentiality by removing identifying information from health records or research data. (De-identification)

________ is a legal term which refers to the intentional and unauthorized disclosure of confidential patient information. (Unauthorized disclosure)

____________ is a principle of health ethics that requires confidentiality of health professionals even after the patient’s death. (Postmortem confidentiality.)

________ is the secure sharing of patient information between health care providers to provide coordinated care.(Health Information Exchange)

_______ is a legal term that refers to the duty of health care professionals to protect the privacy of patients and maintain the confidentiality of their information. (Duty of Confidentiality)

________ is a communication technique in which patient information is discussed only with those who have a legitimate need to know it. (Need for Information)

____________________ is a health practice that allows confidential disclosure of patient information when it is significant risk of harm to the patient or others. (Duty of Care)

______________ is the process of securely storing and managing patient information to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure. (Data security)

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Most Important Questions of Ethical and Legal Issues Quizlet

First and foremost, nursing professionals must uphold the highest ethical standards in patient care. This includes respecting patient autonomy, maintaining confidentiality, and practicing with cultural sensitivity. In military settings, nurses often encounter diverse populations, making cultural competence essential to providing unbiased and effective healthcare.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-2)

______________ is a legal and ethical concept that allows patients to access and obtain copies of their medical records. (Access to data)

__________________ is an ethical principle that recognizes the right of an individual to make decisions about their own health care. (Autonomy)

______________ is a legal document that allows people to express their health care wishes in advance if they are unable to make decisions. afterwards. (Advance Directive)

______________ is a legal term that refers to the ability of individuals to make their own decisions based on their own values ​​and beliefs. (Decision Making)

____________ is the process of providing individuals with information about their health care options so they can make informed decisions. (informed consent)

________ is a legal doctrine that allows health care professionals to provide medical care to individuals who cannot consent in an emergency. (implied consent)

________ is a principle of health care ethics that requires health care professionals to respect the autonomy of individuals and involve them in the decision-making process. (Respect for autonomy)

____________ is a legal term that refers to voluntary and informed consent to a medical procedure or treatment. (Consent)

____________ is the process of evaluating a person’s decision-making capacity to determine whether they can make their own health care decisions. (Ability. Evaluation)

________ is a legal requirement that health care professionals provide individuals with appropriate information about their health care options, risks, and benefits. (Duty to disclose)

______________ is a legal term that refers to intentional misrepresentation. or misleading information to the patient. (Misrepresentation)

____________ is a legal doctrine that allows health care professionals to disclose confidential patient information without consent in certain circumstances, such as to protect public health. (Duty to Warn)

____________ is the involvement of individuals in health care decision-making, considering their values, preferences and goals. (shared decision making)

______________ is a legal term that refers to intentionally harming or injuring a patient without their consent. (battery)

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Important legal and Ethical Issues Quizlet with Answers

You can find questions related to the legal environment of business online commerce ethics and global issues. The legal landscape of nursing is dynamic, and military nurses must be well-informed about the laws governing their practice. Adherence to legal standards ensures that nurses can deliver care within the boundaries of the law, avoiding potential legal pitfalls. Understanding the legal framework is crucial for military nursing professionals, as they may face unique challenges and responsibilities in their roles, including working in austere environments and during times of conflict.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-3)

____________ is a principle of health care that requires health professionals to give individuals fair and accurate information. (truthfulness)

____________ is a legal term that refers to intentionally touching a patient without them. consent if no damage is done. (Attack.)

When a patient refuses treatment, healthcare professionals must respect the principle of ______________, which recognizes the patient’s right to make decisions about their own healthcare. (Autonomy)

In such cases, healthcare professionals should engage in a process of ______________, which involves discussing the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the treatment with the patient. (Informed consent)

______________ occurs when a patient’s refusal of treatment is based on a full understanding of the consequences and risks involved. (Informed refusal)

It is important for healthcare professionals to document the patient’s refusal of treatment in the medical ______________ to ensure clear communication and legal protection. (Record)

In some cases, healthcare professionals may need to seek ______________ to override a patient’s refusal of treatment if they believe it is necessary to prevent serious harm or if the patient lacks decision-making capacity. (Court authorization)

______________ is a legal term that refers to the act of providing treatment to a patient without their consent. (Battery)

When a patient refuses treatment, healthcare professionals should explore alternative options and provide ______________ care that aligns with the patient’s wishes and values. (Palliative)

Healthcare professionals should ensure that patients have access to ______________, which involves providing information and support to help them make informed decisions about their healthcare. (Patient advocacy)

If a patient’s refusal of treatment raises concerns about their decisional capacity, healthcare professionals may conduct a ______________ to assess their ability to make informed choices. (Capacity evaluation)

In cases where a patient’s refusal of treatment conflicts with their best interests, healthcare professionals may need to involve an ______________ to ensure the patient’s rights and well-being are protected. (Ethics committee)

Healthcare professionals should communicate openly and honestly with the patient, addressing their concerns and providing ______________ information to facilitate an informed decision-making process. (Accurate)

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Ethical and Legal Issues in Critical Care Nursing MCQs with Answers

In the context of military medical examinations, candidates should be aware of the specific ethical dilemmas they may encounter. These may include balancing the duty to follow orders with the obligation to prioritize patient welfare, especially in emergency situations. This requires a nuanced understanding of the ethical principles guiding healthcare decisions in the military context.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-4)

It is important for healthcare professionals to maintain ______________, which involves respecting the privacy and confidentiality of a patient’s decision to refuse treatment. (Confidentiality)

______________ is a legal doctrine that protects healthcare professionals from liability if they provide emergency treatment to a patient who is unable to provide consent. (Good Samaritan laws)

In cases of refusal of treatment, healthcare professionals should involve the patient’s ______________ in the decision-making process, respecting their role as a surrogate decision-maker. (Healthcare proxy or designated representative)

Healthcare professionals should ensure that the patient has access to ______________, such as second opinions or consultations, to facilitate an informed decision-making process. (Additional information or resources.)

Withholding treatment refers to the decision not to initiate a specific treatment, while ______________ refers to the decision to discontinue or remove a treatment that is already being provided. (Withdrawing treatment)

The decision to withhold or withdraw treatment should be based on a careful assessment of the patient’s ______________, prognosis, and goals of care. (Condition)

When considering withholding or withdrawing treatment, healthcare professionals should involve the patient or their ______________ in the decision-making process, respecting their autonomy and preferences. (Surrogate decision-maker)

In ethical and legal terms, the distinction between withholding and withdrawing treatment is important because withholding treatment is generally seen as ______________, while withdrawing treatment may raise concerns about causing harm. (Morally neutral)

The principle of ______________ requires healthcare professionals to prioritize the well-being and best interests of the patient when making decisions about withholding or withdrawing treatment. (Beneficence)

In cases where treatment is withheld or withdrawn, healthcare professionals should provide ______________ care to ensure the patient’s comfort and alleviate suffering. (Palliative)

The decision to withhold or withdraw treatment should be based on ______________ evidence, clinical guidelines, and professional expertise, taking into account the patient’s individual circumstances. (Medical)

In some cases, the decision to withhold or withdraw treatment may require consultation with an ______________ or ethics committee to ensure that ethical and legal considerations are properly addressed. (Palliative care team)

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Legal and Ethical Issues in Workplace

Moreover, nursing candidates should be prepared to navigate the legal obligations related to patient confidentiality and privacy. Military healthcare often involves handling sensitive information, and understanding the legal framework surrounding health information is imperative to avoid breaches and legal repercussions.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-5)

It is important for healthcare professionals to document the decision-making process and discussions related to withholding or withdrawing treatment in the patient’s ______________ to ensure clear communication and legal protection. (Medical record)

In cases where there is a disagreement between healthcare professionals and the patient or their surrogate decision-maker regarding withholding or withdrawing treatment, ______________ processes may be used to resolve the conflict. (Mediation or conflict resolution)

______________ is a legal principle that protects healthcare professionals from liability when withholding or withdrawing treatment in accordance with established ethical and legal standards. (Immunity)

The decision to withhold or withdraw treatment should be regularly ______________ and reassessed to ensure it aligns with the patient’s current condition and goals of care. (Reviewed)

In some jurisdictions, the decision to withhold or withdraw treatment may require ______________ or court involvement to ensure compliance with legal requirements. (Legal authorization)

Healthcare professionals should engage in open and honest communication with the patient or their surrogate decision-maker, providing ______________ about the potential benefits, risks, and alternatives to withholding or withdrawing treatment. (Information and counseling)

The decision to withhold or withdraw treatment should be made in a ______________ manner, respecting the dignity, values, and cultural beliefs of the patient and their family. (Culturally sensitive.)

______________ is an ethical principle in nursing that emphasizes the importance of maintaining trust, being faithful, and honoring commitments in the nurse-patient relationship. (Fidelity)

Fidelity requires nurses to act in the best interests of their patients and prioritize their ______________. (Well-being)

In ethical terms, fidelity involves being ______________ and keeping promises made to patients, such as respecting their autonomy and confidentiality. (Truthful)

Nurses should demonstrate ______________ by providing competent and compassionate care to their patients, striving to meet their healthcare needs to the best of their abilities. (Competence)

Fidelity also extends to the obligation to collaborate and communicate effectively with other healthcare professionals, promoting ______________ care for patients. (Team-based)

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Legal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace Quizlet

Success in the initial tests for medical jobs in the Pakistan defense forces, whether through short service regular commission, AFNS, AMC, or other nursing positions, hinges on a solid understanding of ethical and legal considerations.

By prioritizing these principles, nursing candidates can ensure not only their success in the examinations but also their ability to deliver exceptional and lawful healthcare in the challenging environments of military service. It is crucial to approach the tests with a comprehensive understanding of these issues, ensuring both professional competence and ethical integrity.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-6)

When conflicts arise between a nurse’s personal values and the needs of a patient, fidelity requires nurses to prioritize the patient’s ______________. (Interests)

Nurses should maintain professional boundaries to ensure the integrity of the nurse-patient relationship and avoid any ______________ or exploitation. (Abuse)

Fidelity requires nurses to advocate for their patients’ rights, ensuring they receive ______________ care and have access to necessary resources. (Quality)

Nurses should establish open and honest communication with their patients, fostering a relationship built on ______________ and trust. (Transparency)

In legal terms, fidelity includes respecting patients’ ______________ rights, such as privacy and confidentiality. (Legal)

Nurses should be diligent in maintaining accurate and complete ______________ records, ensuring the continuity and quality of care for their patients. (Documentation)

Fidelity extends to the obligation to provide ______________ to patients when they experience adverse outcomes or errors in their care. (Apology)

Nurses should engage in ongoing ______________ and professional development to enhance their knowledge and skills, ensuring they provide up-to-date and evidence-based care to their patients. (Education)

Fidelity requires nurses to report any unsafe or unethical practices they observe in the healthcare environment, promoting patient safety and ______________. (Accountability)

Nurses should be aware of and adhere to the ______________ code of ethics and professional standards, which provide guidance on ethical conduct and fidelity in nursing practice. (Ethical.)

Informed consent is a process that involves providing individuals with ______________ about their healthcare options, including risks, benefits, and alternatives, so they can make informed decisions. (Information)

The principle of informed consent is rooted in the ethical principle of ______________, which recognizes the right of individuals to make decisions about their own healthcare. (Autonomy)

Informed consent is a ______________ requirement that healthcare professionals must fulfill before initiating any medical treatment or procedure. (Legal)

The information provided during the process of informed consent should be ______________, meaning it should be presented in a way that the individual can understand, considering their level of education and language proficiency. (Understandable)

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Examples of Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing MCQs

Undermentioned questions are related to the Army navy and PAF tests which help to pass the initial tests of nursing jobs. Questions are coming from United Healthcare Legal and Ethical Issues syllabus for AFNS, GDMO and Medical Officers tests.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing (Part-7)

Informed consent should be obtained ______________, meaning it should be given voluntarily without coercion or manipulation. (Voluntarily)

In some cases, individuals may not have the capacity to provide informed consent due to factors such as ______________ or cognitive impairment. (Decisional capacity)

When individuals lack decisional capacity, healthcare professionals may need to seek consent from a ______________, such as a surrogate decision-maker or legal guardian. (Substitute decision-maker)

Informed consent should be an ongoing process, meaning that it should be obtained ______________ as the individual’s condition or treatment plan changes. (Continuously)

In emergency situations where immediate treatment is necessary to prevent serious harm, healthcare professionals may proceed with treatment without obtaining ______________, based on the legal concept of implied consent. (Consent)

Informed consent forms are often used to document the individual’s ______________ to receive a specific treatment or procedure after they have been adequately informed. (Agreement)

The process of informed consent should include a discussion of potential ______________, which are the negative outcomes or complications that may arise as a result of the treatment or procedure. (Risks)

Informed consent should also involve a discussion of ______________, which are the positive outcomes or benefits that may be expected from the treatment or procedure. (Benefits)

The individual providing informed consent should have the opportunity to ask ______________ and receive clarifications about the treatment or procedure before making a decision. (Questions)

Informed consent should include a discussion of ______________, which are reasonable alternatives to the proposed treatment or procedure, including the option of no treatment. (Alternatives)

Healthcare professionals have a ______________ to ensure that individuals have given informed consent before initiating any treatment or procedure, and failure to obtain informed consent may lead to legal and ethical consequences. (Duty.)

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