maternal and child health

Maternal and Child Health Nursing Important MCQs for AFNS

If you want to join Pak Army in medical field as a commissioned officer then learn maternal and Child health nursing mcqs for initial tests preparation. These mcqs are helpful for initial tests of AFNS, SSRC, Female Trained nursing, PAF medical branch, and Navy medical branch.

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-1)

Fetal care means health care provided to pregnant women by monitoring their health and __________ health. (Fetus/baby)

Prenatal care aims to promote a healthy pregnancy, prevent complications, and ensure optimal ______________ for mother and child. ( Development)

Recommended prenatal visits the schedule is usually monthly until __________ months, then every two weeks until __________ months, and then weekly until delivery. (Seven, Nine)

During prenatal visits, health care providers will check a mother’s blood pressure, check her weight and assess the baby’s __________. (Growth)

Prenatal vitamins, including folic acid and iron, are often prescribed to pregnant women to support the healthy development of __________. (Baby/Fetus)

__________ is screening test performed in the first trimester of pregnancy to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities (eg Down syndrome). (Nuchal translucency)

__________ is a diagnostic test that takes a sample of the amniotic fluid. to screen for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders. (Amniotic fluid)

__________ is a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy, which can cause complications for both mother and baby. (Gestational hypertension/preeclampsia)

__________ is a test for glucose done 24 .to detect gestational diabetes between 28 weeks of pregnancy. (Glucose tolerance test)

__________ is a condition in which the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix, which may require a cesarean section to deliver. (Placenta)

__________ is a group of tests done around 15-20 weeks of pregnancy to assess the baby’s risk of neural tube defects and genetic disorders. (Maternal placenta screening/quadruple screening)

__________ is a sexually transmitted infection that can be passed from a pregnant woman to her baby and cause serious health problems. (syphilis)

__________ is a disease in which the mother’s blood type is incompatible with the baby’s blood type, which can cause complications. (Rh incompatibility)

__________ is a condition in which the baby is not growing enough in the womb and may need additional monitoring or procedures. (Intrauterine Growth)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Maternal and Child Health Nursing Joanne Silbert – Flagg 9th edition pdf MCQs

Undermentioned mcqs related to maternal and child health nursing help to prepare initial tests of Pak Army Medical branch, PAF Medical branch officers, and Navy Medical branch through short service commission.

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-2)

Restriction (IUGR)__________ is a technique used. to monitor the baby’s heart rate during delivery to ensure its well-being. (Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM))

Labor is the process of the uterus contracting to release the __________. (Fetus/Baby)

The three stages of labor are __________, __________ and __________. (First Stage, Second Stage, Third Stage)

 The first stage of labor is characterized by regular uterine contractions, cervical __________, and the onset of active labor. (Dilation)

__________ is a pain medication technique in which medication is administered through an epidural catheter placed in the lower back.  (Epidural)

The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is fully __________ and ends with the birth of the baby. (Dilated)

__________ is a procedure in which a surgical incision is made in the peritoneum to enlarge the vagina during childbirth. (episiotomy)

The third stage of labor involves the __________ of the placenta and membranes (expulsion)

__________ is a portable device used to monitor the baby’s heart. evidence during labor and delivery. (Doppler ultrasound/fetal Doppler)

__________ is a medical procedure used to deliver a baby when there are complications or concerns about the well-being of the mother or baby. (Assisted delivery/ vaginal delivery with caesarean section)

__________ is a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the abdominal cavity and uterus to deliver the baby. (Cesarean section/C-section)

__________ is a technique used to monitor the baby. strength and frequency of uterine contractions during labor. (Monitoring of uterine contractions /tocodynamometry)

__________ is a term used to describe the descent of the baby through the birth canal during the second stage of labor. (Descent.)

__________ is a condition in which the umbilical cord is compressed, which can compromise the baby’s oxygen supply. (cord compression)

__________ is a technique used to turn the baby from the pelvic area (mainly the buttocks or legs ) to the head. first presentation before delivery. (External head version)

__________ is the process of assessing the position of the baby before delivery to ensure proper vaginal alignment for delivery. (Assessment of fetal position /Leopold maneuvers.)

The postpartum period refers to the time immediately after birth, usually __________ weeks. (6)

During the postpartum period, a healthcare practitioner checks the mother’s __________, __________ and __________. (Vital signs, lochia (vaginal). bleeding) and uterine involution)

__________ is the term used to describe the return of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size and position. (Uterine involution)

__________ is a common condition in the postpartum period. feeling sad, anxious and tired.  (Postpartum blues)

__________ is a more severe form of postpartum mood disorder that involves intense and persistent sadness, hopelessness, and difficulty with the baby. (Postpartum depression)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-3)

__________ is a baby feeding technique, where the baby receives breast milk directly from the mother’s breast. (Lactation)

__________ is a hormone that promotes the production of breast milk. (Prolactin)

__________ is a hormone that stimulates the secretion of breast milk.(Oxytocin)

__________ is a disease characterized by inflammation and infection of breast tissue usually associated with breastfeeding. (Mastitis)

__________ is a contraceptive method that can be used in the postpartum period. to prevent pregnancy. (Lactic Amenorrhea Method (LAM))

__________ is a technique that accelerates the healing and comfort of the peritoneum tissue after childbirth. (Perineal care)

__________ is a method of feeding a baby, in which the baby receives milk from a bottle. (Bottle feeding)

__________ is a condition in which the mother experiences heavy bleeding after giving birth. (Postpartum Bleeding)

__________ is a bonding technique and an emotional connection between mother and baby. (Kangaroo care/skin contact)

__________ is a birth control method that involves surgically blocking or closing the fallopian tubes. (Tubal ligation.)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Maternal and Child Health Nursing Questions and Answers PDF

If you want to prepare initial academic tests of Armed Forces Nursing services and AMC or Captain through Short Service Regular Commission as Major Specialists then following questions are very helpful.

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-4)

Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) provide specialized care for __________ newborns. (Critically ill/premature)

__________ is a condition in which the newborn’s lungs are underdeveloped and have difficulty producing enough surfactant. (Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). )

__________ is a life-threatening infection that can affect newborns, especially those born prematurely. (Sepsis)

__________ is a technique used in neonatal care to support breathing by delivering oxygen through a small tube down the baby’s trachea. (Endotracheal intubation)

__________ is a condition characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain, which may require surgical intervention. (Hydrocephalus)

__________ is a method of feeding premature or sick babies with a tube inserted. into the stomach through the nose or mouth. (Nasogastric (NG))

__________ is a condition in which the baby’s body temperature drops below normal, requiring rewarming. (Hypothermia)

__________ is a noninvasive technique used to monitor the oxygen content of a newborn’s blood. ( pulse oximetry)

__________ is a condition in which a newborn experiences abnormal muscle tension and uncontrolled movements often caused by brain damage. (Cerebral Palsy)

__________ is a condition characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes of a newborn due to high levels of bilirubin. ( Jaundice)

__________ is a medical procedure used to remove excess fluid from the lungs or stomach of a newborn. (thoracentesis/paracentesis)

__________ is a condition where a newborn has difficulty eating and swallowing due to a weak or immature sucking reflex. (Food intolerance)

__________ is a technique used in the care of a newborn’s breathing. system support by delivering air or oxygen under continuous positive pressure. (continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP))

__________ is a condition in which a newborn has difficulty regulating his body temperature due to an underdeveloped thermoregulatory system. (thermoregulatory instability)

__________ is a procedure in which a small blood sample is taken from a newborn to detect various genetic and metabolic disorders. (Newborn screening)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-5)

__________ is the process of giving vaccines to protect people from infectious diseases. (Vaccination)

__________ is a schedule of recommended vaccinations for children from birth to adolescence. (Vaccination schedule)

__________ vaccine is recommended for babies and protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. (DTaP)

__________ vaccine protects against poliomyelitis and is usually given in multiple doses. (IPV)

__________ vaccine is given to protect against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection. (Hib)

__________ recommends a vaccine to protect infants against pneumococcal infections. (PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) . )

__________ protects against measles, mumps and rubella. (MMR)

The __________ vaccine is given to protect against chickenpox infection. (Chickenpox)

The N __________ vaccine is recommended for young people and protects against meningococcal meningitis. (Meningococcal)

A__________ is recommended for young people and protects against young people. papillomavirus (HPV) infection. (HPV)

__________ vaccine is given to protect against influenza (flu) and is recommended every year.( Influenza vaccine)

Adolescence is the stage of development between __________ and __________ years. (10; 19)

__________ is the physical development that occurs during puberty, including the development of secondary sexual characteristics. (Adolescence)

__________ is a mental disorder common in young people, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest and difficulties in daily activities. (Depression)

__________ is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (Gonorrhea)

The __________ vaccine is recommended for young people to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.  (Tdap)

__________ is a condition characterized by excess body weight and adipose tissue that often causes health problems. (Obesity)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Articles About Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs

Find past papers mcqs related to maternal and child health nursing for preparation of Army, Navy and PAF tests to clear the tests.

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-6)

__________ is a substance that changes brain function and is often used in teenagers and young adults. (Substance abuse)

__________ is a type of eating disorder characterized by intense hunger and intense fear. weight. (Anorexia nervosa)

__________ vaccine is recommended for young people to protect against meningococcal meningitis. (Meningococcal)

__________ is a type of eating disorder characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating followed by purging behavior. (Bulimia nervosa)

__________ is a disease characterized by constant anxiety, fear and worry that interferes with daily activities. (Generalized anxiety disorder)

__________ is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a person’s immune deficiency.   (virus (HIV) )

__________ is the leading cause of unintentional injury and death in children. (Accidents)

__________ is the practice of placing babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).  (Sleeping)

__________ is a safety device used in babies and to prevent young children from falling out of bed. (Bed rails)

__________ is a safety device that involves securing a child in a vehicle with a special seat. (Child restraint system/safety seat)

__________ is a safety measure that involves covering electrical outlets to prevent children from pushing objects into them . (Outlet Covers/Connectors)

__________ is a safety measure that requires poisonous substances, e.g. cleaning supplies and medicines, out of the reach of children. (Childproof/locking cabinets)

__________ is a safety device that prevents children from accessing stairs by blocking their access. (Stair door/child gate)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing below;

Maternal and Child Health Nursing MCQs (Part-7)

__________ is a safety device a practice that involves close supervision of children, to prevent accidents and injuries. (Active supervision)

__________ is a safety measure that involves securing heavy furniture and equipment so that they do not fall on children. (Anchoring furniture/TV)

__________ is a safety measure that includes teaching children to swim and ensuring proper adult supervision in the water. (Water safety)

__________ is a safety measure that includes small objects and choking prevention. risks within reach of small children. (Choke/Air Valve Test)

__________ is a safety device used to prevent children from accessing cabinets and drawers that contain potentially dangerous items. (Cabinet Lock/Key)

__________ is a safety device a practice that includes teaching children about fire safety and creating a fire plan.  (Fire safety)

__________ is a safety measure that uses window bars or window guards to prevent children from falling out of windows. (Window safety.)

__________ is a precaution that teaches children to cross the road safely and promotes pedestrian safety. (Traffic/pedestrian safety)

See more mcqs on maternal and child health nursing from the links given below.

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